Sunday 9 August 2015

The day I found my goal!

I have grown up hearing the importance of having a goal in life, a focus to achieve it and a plan to put it in place.

I have spent many days thinking about my interest, my goal and 'the' plan for life. Oh wait, do I actually have a goal in life?  May be not.

Yes. One day, I had realised that I do not have a goal! That day, I felt miserable and spent quite a while feeling the same.

A few days had passed with me trying to make up a goal for myself and a few more passed after all my efforts went in vein. But then, one day, I realised my life was still the same. Same people to love me, same old to dislike, and they will remain the same forever. I realised, life just goes on, irrespective of if there is a goal for it, and I have to make it worth living.

That day, I found my goal! It is having a family to share, a friend to count up on, a partner to trust. It is in the search for happiness during the most difficult situations, it is in the smile that you put on a toddler's face, in the sacrifice you make for your friend. It's in living a better life, in making a better society!