Sunday 31 May 2020

Living for passion: An inspiration

While I was busy leading a materialistic life, I met a person who, according to me, is living his life to the fullest by

Learning, not people around him, but the art in him!

Earning, not for living, but to support his passion!
Fighting with the world, not for any position, but for love of his life!
Setting priorities, not to be clear in his mind, but to reassure his soul!
Competing, not with others, but with self!
Exploring, not the world, but himself!

This person showed me what it means to be an inspiration ...

... and before I talk to him, I woke up!

Thursday 14 May 2020

Here's to you, husband!

As a first time mom, I've heard and read a lot about 'how pregnancy and child birth changes the life of a mother.' I have had people sympathizing and empathizing with me. I feel, we as moms get all the attention and importance we deserve and dreamt of, sometimes more than that. But today, I want to talk about a person who's been travelling this journey equally with me, but is the most neglected and often taken for granted. I want to talk about the unsung hero of my pregnancy story - my husband!

He has been my driver, nurse, chef and most importantly, my punching bag! He lived through my mood swings and hunger pangs, didn't lose his cool when I did, supported me like a mother in labour, and is now travelling this phase of fourth trimester with me - physically and emotionally! He is equally enjoying this all-consuming roller coaster ride of parenthood!

Lets take a moment to appreciate the magnitude of what the husbands and fathers have done and are doing! Here's to you all! <3