Sunday 31 May 2020

Living for passion: An inspiration

While I was busy leading a materialistic life, I met a person who, according to me, is living his life to the fullest by

Learning, not people around him, but the art in him!

Earning, not for living, but to support his passion!
Fighting with the world, not for any position, but for love of his life!
Setting priorities, not to be clear in his mind, but to reassure his soul!
Competing, not with others, but with self!
Exploring, not the world, but himself!

This person showed me what it means to be an inspiration ...

... and before I talk to him, I woke up!

Thursday 14 May 2020

Here's to you, husband!

As a first time mom, I've heard and read a lot about 'how pregnancy and child birth changes the life of a mother.' I have had people sympathizing and empathizing with me. I feel, we as moms get all the attention and importance we deserve and dreamt of, sometimes more than that. But today, I want to talk about a person who's been travelling this journey equally with me, but is the most neglected and often taken for granted. I want to talk about the unsung hero of my pregnancy story - my husband!

He has been my driver, nurse, chef and most importantly, my punching bag! He lived through my mood swings and hunger pangs, didn't lose his cool when I did, supported me like a mother in labour, and is now travelling this phase of fourth trimester with me - physically and emotionally! He is equally enjoying this all-consuming roller coaster ride of parenthood!

Lets take a moment to appreciate the magnitude of what the husbands and fathers have done and are doing! Here's to you all! <3

Sunday 9 August 2015

The day I found my goal!

I have grown up hearing the importance of having a goal in life, a focus to achieve it and a plan to put it in place.

I have spent many days thinking about my interest, my goal and 'the' plan for life. Oh wait, do I actually have a goal in life?  May be not.

Yes. One day, I had realised that I do not have a goal! That day, I felt miserable and spent quite a while feeling the same.

A few days had passed with me trying to make up a goal for myself and a few more passed after all my efforts went in vein. But then, one day, I realised my life was still the same. Same people to love me, same old to dislike, and they will remain the same forever. I realised, life just goes on, irrespective of if there is a goal for it, and I have to make it worth living.

That day, I found my goal! It is having a family to share, a friend to count up on, a partner to trust. It is in the search for happiness during the most difficult situations, it is in the smile that you put on a toddler's face, in the sacrifice you make for your friend. It's in living a better life, in making a better society!

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Now Is the Time!

Make a choice
Right or wrong!

Do it now
Late than never!

Be the start
Big or small!

Let it flow
Grief or joy!

Say it loud
Grudge or love!

Put your point
Trivial or intense!

And yes, talk it out
Before it's too late!

Friday 3 April 2015

Life. It just goes on...

People come, they leave
Life goes on...

Memories are made, they fade away
Life goes on…

Great moments happen, they end
Life goes on…

Wallet becomes full, it shrinks
Life goes on…

Celebrations turn into farewells
Life goes on…

Beauty diminishes, and charisma withers
Life goes on…

Life is comprehended, or it’s a puzzle
It goes on…

You want it to pause at the moment
Little does it still goes on…

Wednesday 31 December 2014

Relationships.. never too old!

"It's been way too many years for the relationship and there will be only adjustments all the life", she thought, waiting for him to pick her up.
He came in a car, opened the door from inside and smiled.
She fell in love with him, again!

Saturday 8 November 2014

Wait For The Divine Magic To Happen!

Every relationship goes haywire at some point or becomes just an aquaintance, with the bond disappearing into nowhere. And that's the time you have to wait for a divine magic to happen, after which,
A completely new relationship takes birth!

Feelings, unborn and refreshing, come out for good!
Fights, which were a vital part of the relation, become trivial!
A new life seems to be waiting just for you!

Time, fast and limited, stops forever!
And, that moment, you fall in love, yet again, with that person!
So wait for that magic to happen, after all it's hard to find 'the ones' in life!